Ninja Costume Cosplay Sewing Pattern - Part 2

Here we are at Part 2 of the 4 part series on the Japanese Ninja costume sewing pattern translation. We’ll sew the Ninja Hood and Mask in this section. Thanks again to the talented DR-Cos for this free sewing pattern!
You can skip to the other part of this series below:
Part 1: Printing and cutting
Part 2: Sewing instructions for the Hood and Mask
Part 3: Sewing instructions for Hakama Pants
Part 4: Sewing instructions for Hand Guards and Bodice
Part 2: Sewing instructions for the Hood and mask
Important: All pattern pieces already include a seam allowance.
- Make all the tie pieces, as their construction are all the same. The number on each pattern piece tells you how many of each you need to make. For example, you need to make 12 Hand Guard Ties. Japanese characters for all the tie pieces are:
- Hand Guard Tie: 手甲用紐
- Hood Tie: 頭巾用紐
- Ninja Shin Guard Top Tie: 忍者袴脛部上紐
- Ninja Shin Guard Bottom Tie: 忍者袴脛部下紐
- Ninja Obi Waist Sash: 帯
Photo below shows Hand Guard Ties (A), Shin Guard Top Ties (B), Shin Guard Bottom Ties (C) and Obi Waist Sash (D). For all pieces, fold in half along dotted line with right sides facing. Stitch along seam allowance leaving a gap. Turn right side outwards.
Zig-zag stitch along the edges of the Hood and Mask. Press down the seam allowances (1cm) of the Hood and Mask and stitch into down. Photo above shows the Hood (E) and Mask (F).
Stitch Hood Tie you made in Step 1 onto the Hood along the line indicated by double pointed arrow. To learn how to put on the Ninja Hood, see Step 6 of this image.
- Press down the longer sides of the Collar and Hakama Belt along seam allowance. Fold along dotted line (right sides facing), stitch the shorter sides together and turn right side out. This should create a an opening along the widest edge.
Japanese characters Hakama Belt (A) and Collar (B) in photo below are:- Hakama Belt: 袴ベルト
- Collar: 衿
- Attach stiff interfacing to Hip Plate. The pattern piece on the bottom of the photo is the template for the interfacing. Make 2 Hip Plate Belt Loops, and attach to Hip Plate marked by +.
Japanese characters for pieces used in this step are:- Hip Plate: 後腰板
- Hip Plate Interfacing: 接着芯
- Hip Plate Belt Loops: 腰板紐通し
- Press down longer sides of the Hip Plate and fold (with right sides facing) along dotted line. Stitch along shorter sides and turn right side out. This should create a shape where there’s an opening on the widest edge.
Go to Part 3 to continue to make the Hakama Pants.
Author: Rin Gomura-Elkan

Rin is a sewing lover living in laid-back Australia. Born in Japan, she has a passion for making Japanese crafts accessible to a worldwide audience. She helps women live a more creative and meaningful life on her blog,
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