Japanese Sewing Terms You Need to Know - English Translations
Want to know how to translate Japanese sewing patterns? Facing a page of sewing instructions in Japanese can be intimidating, but like with any sewing projects, there are certain sewing terms which are used repeatedly. Here’s the most commonly used Japanese sewing terms and their translations in English.
Sewing Basics
Japanese | How to Read | English Translation |
作り方 | tsukurikata | instructions |
縫い代 | nuidai | seam allowance |
型紙 | katagami | sewing pattern |
わ | wa | symbol to indicate fabric fold line |
Japanese | How to Read | English Translation |
裏 or うら | ura | reverse/wrong side |
表 or おもて | omote | right/correct side |
前 or まえ | mae | front |
後ろ or うしろ | ushiro | back |
Japanese | How to Read | English Translation |
縫う | nuu | sew |
まつる | matsuru | baste |
作る | tsukuru | make |
つける | tsukeru | attach |
始末 | shimatsu | finish |
出来上がり | dekiagari | complete |
Japanese | How to Read | English Translation |
表布 | omote nuno | right / main fabric |
裏布 | ura nuno | lining fabric |
接着芯 | sechakushin | interfacing |
ボタン | botan | button |
ファスナー | fasuna | fastener / zipper |
Clothing Items
Japanese | How to Read | English Translation |
スカート | sukato | skirt |
ベルト | beruto | belt |
ワンピース | wanpiisu | one-piece/dress |
Let’s try translating a Japanese sewing pattern!
Here’s an example of a Japanese sewing pattern for a very simple maxi skirt.
Circled in BLUE, the Japanese symbol 作り方 means Instructions.
In RED, you can see the English translations of the different pattern components and which direction the diagram is showing.
Highlighted in YELLOW are the 4 steps to make the maxi skirt. Can you work out what the instructions are using the ‘Instructions’ table above?
- Sew the skirt.
- Make the belt.
- Attach the belt.
- Complete!
The more you practice, the more you’ll get used to how Japanese sewing patterns work. The diagrams really help you and understanding the instructions, so even if you can just work out whether you are looking at the right or wrong side of the fabric, it’s a great start!
For a more in depth look at translating and understanding Japanese patterns, check out my ebook How to Sew Japanese Sewing Patterns. Many more sewing terms are translated in the book, including types of fabrics and garments. You’ll also find out how to make sense of those seam allowances and drafting patterns.
Author: Rin Gomura-Elkan

Rin is a sewing lover living in laid-back Australia. Born in Japan, she has a passion for making Japanese crafts accessible to a worldwide audience. She helps women live a more creative and meaningful life on her blog, sewinlove.com.au
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